The Green Haven Community                     

723 - 207th. Street , Green Haven, Maryland  21122   

Phone- 410 - 255 - 5189       E-Mail -

Page 1. Calendar of Events/HearingsPage 2 .GHIA-N/L Jan.20Page 3 .GHIA-N/L Feb.20Page 4 .GHIA-N/L March 20Page 5 GHIA-N/L April 20Page 6 GHIA-N/L May 20Page 7 GHIA-N/L June 20Page 8 GHIA-N/L Jul.Aug.Sept.20Page 9 GHIA-NlL Oct.20Page 10 GHIA-N/L Nov./Dec.20testPage 12 GHNewsletter 11 .Page 13 2018 SoftballPage 13 . 2017 softballPage 5. Right of wayacquisition1Page 6. Right of Way Acquisition2Page 14. MDCSLPage 15. Md.Public and cpunty contactsPage 16. Planning /ZoningPage 17. 2014 SoftballPage 18. 2014 SoftballPage 19. 2014 SoftballPage 20. 2014 SoftballPage 21. 2013phototeamaPage 22. 2013phototeambPage 23. 2013phototeamcPage 24. 2013phototeamdPage 25. 2013phototeamePage 26. 2013phototeamfPage 27. 2013phototeamgPage 28. 2013phototeamhPage 29. 2013phototeamiPage 30. 2009 Sports/10/12Page 31. 2009 Sports/12/14Page 32. 2009Sports/14/18Page 33. 2010 Sports/1012APage 34. 2010 Sports/1012BPage 35. 2010 Sports/1214aPage 36, 2010 Sports 1214bPage 37, 2010 Sports 1214cPage 38, 2010 Sports 1214dPage 39 . 2010 Sports1418aPage 40, 2010 Sports 1418 bPage 41, 2011 Sports 1012aPage 42 .2011 Sports 1012bPage 43. 2011 Sports 1012cPage 44. Sports 2011photo1214aPage 45. Sports 2011photo1214bPage 46. Sports 2011photo 1214cPage 47. Sports 2011photo1214dPage 48. 2011 photo 1418aPage 49. 2011photo 1418bPage 50. 2012photo1214aPage 51. 2012photo1214bPage 52. 2012photo1214cPage 53. 2012photo1214dPage 54. 2012photo1214ePage 55. 2012photo1214fPage 56.Page 58. Sports Mem.Page 59. County/Mid east awardsPage 60. Sport awards
             Anne  Arundel County Important Contacts

Office of the County Executive Community & Constituent Services; Community Service Hotline:410-222-2222,

Bob Leib, Special Assistant for Brac / Education, 410 - 222 - 1227,, Diane Croghan, Brac  410 - 222 - 1377,

Office of Minority Affairs : Yevola Peters, Special Assistant for Minority Affairs & Grants, 410 - 222 - 1234

Department of Aging, 410 - 222 - 4464

Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks
General information: 410 - 222 - 7300, To contact us by e-mail, citizens can go to our website at and click on the Contact Us  link.

Department of Public Works
Customer Service, 410 - 222 - 7582,
General information, 410 - 222 - 7500

Inspection & Permits
Permit Applications Center: Frank Ward,Assistant Director 410 - 222 - 7730
Zoning Enforcement: Joannie Coleman-Casey, Supervisor 410 - 222 - 7790
Code Compliance Div.: Robert V.Winchester,Program Manager 410 - 222 - 7790

Planning & Zoning
Planner of the Day: 410 - 222 - 7450

Betsey Kirkpatrick - Howat, 410 - 222 - 1787 x x3067
Caroline Gaulke, 410 - 222 - 4022

Budget Office - 410 - 222 - 1222

Central Services, 410 - 222  - 7644

Anne Arundel County Department of Health
Lauren Fletcher, Public Affairs Specialist, 410 - 222 - 4026,  hdflet00 @

Office of Emergency  Management
Cathy Welker, Exercise, Training and Community Outreach
410 - 222 - 0606.
Karen Sank, 410 - 222 - 0600,

Fire Department, Headquarters, 410 - 222 - 8300

Police Department, Headquarters, 410 - 222 - 8050
Animal Control, 410 - 222 - 8900

Anne Arundel Economic Development Corportion
Robert L. Hannon,President / CEO  Phone, 410 - 222 - 7410,
Fax, , rhannon@aaedc.org410 - 222 - 7415

Anne  Arundel County Important Contacts

Office of the County Executive Community & Constituent Services; Community Service Hotline:410-222-2222,

Bob Leib, Special Assistant for Brac / Education, 410 - 222 - 1227,, Diane Croghan, Brac  410 - 222 - 1377,

Office of Minority Affairs : Yevola Peters, Special Assistant for Minority Affairs & Grants, 410 - 222 - 1234

Department of Aging, 410 - 222 - 4464

Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks
General information: 410 - 222 - 7300, To contact us by e-mail, citizens can go to our website at and click on the Contact Us  link.

Department of Public Works
Customer Service, 410 - 222 - 7582,
General information, 410 - 222 - 7500

Inspection & Permits
Permit Applications Center: Frank Ward,Assistant Director 410 - 222 - 7730
Zoning Enforcement: Joannie Coleman-Casey, Supervisor 410 - 222 - 7790
Code Compliance Div.: Robert V.Winchester,Program Manager 410 - 222 - 7790

Planning & Zoning
Planner of the Day: 410 - 222 - 7450

Betsey Kirkpatrick - Howat, 410 - 222 - 1787 x x3067
Caroline Gaulke, 410 - 222 - 4022

Budget Office - 410 - 222 - 1222

Central Services, 410 - 222  - 7644

Anne Arundel County Department of Health
Lauren Fletcher, Public Affairs Specialist, 410 - 222 - 4026,  hdflet00 @

Office of Emergency  Management
Cathy Welker, Exercise, Training and Community Outreach
410 - 222 - 0606.
Karen Sank, 410 - 222 - 0600,

Fire Department, Headquarters, 410 - 222 - 8300

Police Department, Headquarters, 410 - 222 - 8050
Animal Control, 410 - 222 - 8900

Anne Arundel Economic Development Corportion
Robert L. Hannon,President / CEO  Phone, 410 - 222 - 7410,
Fax, , rhannon@aaedc.org410 - 222 - 7415

       Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC)
         410 - 767 - 8028 or 1 - 800 - 492 - 0474
        Maryland Office of People's Council (OPC)
          410 - 767 - 8150 or 1 - 800 - 207 - 4055
          Maryland Energy Administration (MEA)
          Maryland Department of Human Resources 
       (including Office of Home Energy Programs)
                        1 - 800 - 352 - 1446
       Maryland Department of Housing and Community 
                    Development (DHCD)
          Website referral: Agency resources























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